Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Laguna Beach Antifa - Goliath

Via Iver


  1. Is that a chastity belt she's wearing (i.e., "showing off")?

  2. Not impressed. I don't think the swamp cow could run a full city block. All I can say to her and her comrades is bring it on bitch. I suppose she will have to learn the very hard way that her Mad Max costume does not transform her into some kind of Zena Warrior princess anti-Nazi ass kicker. But I do thank her for that tattoo on her corn feed beer gut of hers. The X does make for a good aiming point. And she was even kind enough to supply the chains a pick up truck will need to haul her fat carcass off the street. Why, bless your heart sweetie.
    I'm looking at her and thinking, with so many targets of opportunity, what do I take out first? Decisions, decisions, decisions.

    1. The X does make for a good aiming point

      Same thing I thought. :)


      she was even kind enough to supply the chains a pick up truck will need to haul her fat carcass off the street. Why, bless your heart sweetie.
      I'm looking at her and thinking, with so many targets of opportunity, what do I take out first? Decisions, decisions, decisions.

      Priceless! :)

  3. this threat is easily neutralized by throwing chocolate candy bars at it. it will cease hostile activity and commence feeding.

  4. Michael Dean MillerMay 16, 2017 at 7:56 PM

    It's Jabba the Hutt's fatter sister.

  5. Watch out!!! she has the mask on because her pants are unzipped!..


    1. As we used to say in military school, I wouldn't f--- her with your d---. :)

  6. It's a picture of someone at a cosplay convention. She basically dressed up as a video game character (Roadhog from Overwatch) and some leftist evidently politicised her pic.
    At least she has a sense of humor about her weight, the game character is enormous.

    1. Anon,

      Thanks for the post. No one would mock her weight here otherwise. Vanity is a terrible thing.

    2. No one would mock her weight here otherwise

      Ha! :)

  7. Here's what the original looked like before the leftist graffiti: www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://i.redditmedia.com/96apBL5q_wjCpVAZZMZppXGnS8Nop8VQvyif4KBONJ0.jpg%3Fw%3D320%26s%3D5f1c452d9231eb07db12cba9f89449d0&imgrefurl=https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/4xjzcu/this_roadhog_cosplay_wow/&h=480&w=320&tbnid=uO5hIMSW2aPF-M&tbnh=275&tbnw=183&usg=__IqrTiz6sd6oHn8GTZ7kMW_fyVSU=&docid=HjUxiGKqbKcgsM

    Humility before hubris folks.

    1. & we wonder why we have fallen so far........... Just amazing.
