Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Hillary Clinton Gave $800K To Fund Antifa Groups

Via Billy

After failing to become president of the United States, Hillary Clinton did what a lot of dejected politicians do: She started a super PAC. And after four months of soliciting donations, it appears that Clinton has been quietly using the money to fund resistance groups, including the militant and violent antifa.

Clinton’s PAC, Onward Together, openly partners with five left-wing political groups: Indivisible, Swing Left, Color of Change, Emerge America, and Run for Something, all of which have ties to antifa. Despite all these partners, however, the PAC website is bare-bones. There are just two tabs:

One explaining the group’s “mission,” and another asking for donations – with no indication as to where the money would go. So, in order to get to the bottom of the mystery, The Daily Caller decided to give all five antifa-linked groups a call.

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