Sunday, November 26, 2017

France should introduce Sharia law and create a Muslim state to avoid civil war says professor

Via David

French professor Christian de Moliner claims it would be impossible to mollify the 30 per cent of Muslims who want to introduce Sharia law in the country without complying with their desires.

According to the professor the solution is to create two states with a French law for the French and Sharia law for Muslims who choose for it. He says:


  1. Great Idea. Let's put the French Muslim state in Libya and start moving them tomorrow/

  2. Hey, here's a thought, send 'em all back to where they came from! Then they can live under sharia all they want to.


  3. Why would any one who does NOT wish to live as a slave, would want to mollify Muslims wanting to impose S--tria Law? I happen to like beer, brats, blues music and my Bible. Therefore I can not give my consent to any system that would deprive me of any of them, especially the later, my Bible. However, when it comes to bullets, there is room for compromise; one at a time, tip first, in groups of three (two in the chest and one in the head).

    What the professor is advocating is a form of appeasement. He has forgotten his history, as appeasement seldom works out. Peace in our time? Sorry, not happening. The ONLY solution is to kick out every single Muslim. ALL of them.

    1. The ONLY solution is to kick out every single Muslim. ALL of them.

      You would think a no-brainer.

    2. There lies the rub, sir. Liberals, <---no-brainer.
      With them it is; I feel therefore I am. They have a habit of NOT understanding or an unwillingness to, this concept called unintended consequences.

      As for the Sharia law lovers out there, the only thing I am willing to give them for "free" is a helicopter ride.

    3. WELLL.... my wife is a Muslim. (And, during arguments, it's a thought! ;)

      But realistically, she's secular. Our kids our Jewish per her agreement. More to the point, when the Times' Square Bomber was revealed to be a Muslim, she was livid, screaming "Don't they realize they'll give us a bad name?"

      When a Muslim in her homeland was found to be a jihadist, she said "Kill the entire family - if one is bad, they all are."

    4. "Don't they realize they'll give us a bad name?"

      When a Muslim in her homeland was found to be a jihadist, she said "Kill the entire family - if one is bad, they all are."

      Well she can come to my next Pig Pickin'!:) Is this David?

    5. Yup.

      One of her favorite home-country foods is, essentially, rendered pig fat. Gag me.

      I'm making a "spirited attempt" to have a kosher house. For the first few months she'd complain that I stopped buying Canadian bacon.

      And let's just say that when she drinks, she gets... entertaining.

    6. Canadian bacon? Heresy! Come on down and have Smithield ham with all the trimmings, (salt cured)About the best thing in the world = Smithfield (Country) ham fat sliced in small bits and fried. Of course, it is probably also the worst thing for your health. :)

    7. Not kosher, my friend. Be glad to have some BBQ chicken, though. (My wife, on the other hand, would probably love it.)

  4. a helicopter ride.

    The South Vietnamese excelled at that.
