Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Lawmaker attacks homeschooling as 'child abuse'

Via Billy

Homeschool mom Jessica Cole shares why every parent is a teacher. Read more on HSLDA's blog >>

About five years ago, lawmakers in New Hampshire approved a series of changes to improve their citizens’ access to homeschooling, but they now appear to be preparing to roll back those improvements.

And it’s generated considerable controversy, since one legislator opposing homeschooling called it “child abuse.”

Which wasn’t received well by another lawmaker whose children mostly have graduated from the family’s homeschool, and have gone to top-tier colleges.

The Home School Legal Defense Association is reporting on the situation, as it was involved in the improvements back in 2012.

More @ WND


  1. Not surprised by this. If you hold the position that children are property of the "State", and the primary goal of education is to insure that children will grow up to good obedient members then home schooling will be attacked. There are so called education professionals who have openly stated that a child's parents are not qualified or competent to educate children. Education is a matter for the degreed members of the official certified class. There is also the deep fear that a child might adopt the politically incorrect values and world view from their parents. Nor does it surprise me, this is coming from another damn east coast liberal Yankee state. I'd be willing to bet my paycheck that the legislator is a democrat/socialist.

    1. I'd be willing to bet my paycheck that the legislator is a democrat/socialist.

      Thanks and that's a winning bet! :)
