Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Vietnamese Comments on Burn's 'The Vietnam War'

Via John



  1. Ken Burns did a fine job, except he clearly did not present what happened and why it happened in an even-handed manner. I watched most of the episodes, but was immediately bothered by his perspective after watching the first episode.
    Where were the comments about the North Viet Namese atrocities of which there were many? Where were the comments about the efforts on the part of the Americans to shore up the South Viet Namese government, not to make a land grab in Asia but to help a struggling country against Communism? Why do the North Viet Namese and Viet Cong come off as patriots and freedom fighters, and why are the South Viet Namese portrayed as corrupt and lacking fighting spirit and resolve?
    Why were the results of the 1954 Geneva Convention, especially the migration of about 1,000,000 Viet Namese living in the North moving to the South and less than 100,000 moving in the opposite direction, not given greater prominence?
    Mr. Burns, your politics overly influenced your story.

    1. Precisely and I have posted close to 20 *pieces on this. I knew that it would be just like his 'Civil War' as he is a Useful Idiot. Thanks.

