Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Kásskara: Sunken Land of the Hopi Ancestors

Via Bill

 Ancient Hopi Village of Wolpi. Arizona, USA.

There used to be a fable, commonly imposed as fact on schoolchildren in the United States, that in Columbus' time nearly everyone believed the Earth was flat. Fortunately, this untruth has been quietly abandoned, although it has been supplanted by another myth, this one crediting the ancient Greeks with having first disproved the "flat Earth" concept.

History professor Jeffrey Burton Russell noted that with few exceptions "no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century BC onward believed that the earth was flat—a position that is no doubt true yet still reflects a limited Western perspective. It fails to acknowledge that aboriginal and ancient people, spanning far back into the last ice age, knew the Earth to be spherical. They knew the nature of creation to be cyclical (or vortical), and they acknowledged, revered and cultivated understanding of universal law. Evidence of their seemingly impossible technological manifestations—the Great Pyramid being among the most widely recognized, with many others gaining attention—lies in ruins around the Earth, the implications largely ignored by experts who can't adequately explain them within academically accepted contemporary models.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you and I'd like to visit the town in the picture. Just checked and I didn't realize anyone lived there now.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXm2sMr1Qz8
