Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Coming Division

Ideas are dangerous things. They frighten the people in power, who must always guard against rebellion. Those in power will defend that power with all necessary force, which leads them inexorably into the territory of tyranny, however softly applied, there is the understanding that the severity of their defense will increase as these ideas that threaten their power become more prevalent.

If this sounds cryptic, it should not. Here is an idea that they are not going to like. The two people of this nation divided along ideological lines of liberty and communism can never again be reconciled.

The divisions are marked by a map of the counties that voted for Trump and those who voted for Clinton.


  1. Freedom, it ain’t for everybody. And if you get any kind of Government stipend, you damn sure don’t want it interrupted.

  2. Please do not confuse my rant as a slite to earned income of service to Our Republic.

  3. To many takers, and not enough makers.
