Sunday, February 11, 2018

The VA's Medical Instructions.......

The last of six.

I called the nurse's hot line to complain of instantaneous bleeding from the rectum which didn't stop. I was told that I  should probably go to the emergency room but needed to answer questions first.  Afterwards, was told to go to the clinic in one to two weeks......🙄  Can't make this stuff up. (Released in four hours, though told it would be 2 to 3 days. :)


  1. Are you doing okay? Assuming this is the VA you usually visit.

    1. Thanks and I'm fine, it's just the ridiculous advice I was given that I wanted to bring to light. I have gotten much excellent care from the VA except in 1995 when I had my Laryngectomy and almost coughed to death the next night in IC but fortunately the gauze they had left in came out of my neck before it got to that point.

    2. Good to hear. Mass population. I remember a time when folks
      were laid back and had time to interact with their customers/

  2. I have not seen the second report on this incident as it has
    not yet come in my email. Thought you might be interested:

    1. Wow! I can only imagine. Please let me know the results. Thanks.
