Thursday, February 15, 2018

"We hate each other"

 Image result for we hate each other

Gazing out over the chaos of America today, the racial and ethnic antagonism, the hostility over sex and faith and politics–I have never seen anything like it. The country is imploding. The main culprit is diversity–in the broad sense, not just the juxtaposition of races, but the mixing of ideas and philosophies with no dominant culture to maintain order. Current policies promoting this mess are insane.

We hate each other.

Countries are happiest when they have  one national culture, or at least one dominant culture to which all must perforce conform. We see this in countries like Japan and Korea, homogeneous societies which, because homogeneous, have no race riots or religious wars. It was largely true in, for example, Sweden and France until they began admitting immigrants from  incompatible cultures. Today, most of the news from such countries deals with the consequences.


  1. This is the desired effect of “diversity.” Why else would the left promote it? The goal of diversity from the beginning had been the destruction of America in specific and Western Civilization in general.

    There is no workable path for diversity. Disparate groups will never be cohesive. There will be constant conflict between them. The reason America worked, for 200 years is “we the people,” were a single unit. Immigrants came to America, to become American. Not to remain Mexican, German, Korean, or any nationality but live in America. That was the power of America, regardless where you came from, once you were here, you were an American.

    In the 1960s, democrats found a path to power. By breaking people into groups and identity politics was born. For a while it worked. But in the beginning democrats broke people into large groups. Such as Whites and Black, or blue collar and white collar. Unfortunately, that idea worked. And beginning in the 1990s, democrats decided if the big groups work, little groups should work even better. Make small groups with only one focus. They would be easier to control. And they set about making them with a vengeance. When they run out of valid groups, they began making them up. Democrats have worked diligently to divide America. And sadly, they have succeeded.

    America again needs to become the melting pot. A country where people move to become Americans. We simply cannot exist as a country without being a unified people.


    1. America again needs to become the melting pot. A country where people move to become Americans.

