Monday, March 19, 2018

Robert Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

 Robert Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

Mystery surrounds Robert Mueller and his investigation into Russia and President Trump. Some think he is the ultimate professional, others that he is a Democrat lackey, still others maintain he is working on Trump’s side.

We can see how he works if we look at how Mueller ran his second-most important investigation as FBI Director. In September of 2001, an entity began mailing anthrax through the US Postal system, hitting such prominent targets as NBC and Senator Daschle’s office. The terrorist attacks killed five and left others hospitalized. The world panicked.


  1. I think Mueller's sole job is to save the FBI and its employees along with the DOJ. The FBI and ATF need to be gutted and the uncorrupted sent over to the marshals service. The DOJ lawyers need to be sent to Gitmo along with the corrupted FBI officials.

  2. I believe this guys goal is to be a taxpayer leech until his days are done. He’s far beyond what he was hired for and now I believe he’s doing this to just cover asses.
