Friday, October 12, 2018

How to Predict the Future

 History Repeats
In the United States today, we are ruled by a gang of arrogant elitists who control our government as well as most of the governments on earth.  Some of these nations appear or purport to be democracies or republics.  Others are undeniably totalitarian regimes in which the rulers hold power by terror and force.  In either case, these governments are controlled by a deep state of oligarchs whose self-interests supersede those of ordinary citizens.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could predict the future?  I am not talking about mundane or personal matters such as the winning lottery number or which team is going to win the World Series.  It would be useful and potentially life-saving, however, if we could accurately forecast major changes that determine our future lives and fortunes.  I contend that this critical information is readily available – all we need do is study the past.

Nineteenth century French novelist Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr is credited with saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”  An honest student of history would readily admit that the deep divisions that exist in America today have arisen in many other nations in the past with unfortunately predictable results.

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