Sunday, October 28, 2018

“Only the Left is Left at College”

Via Al 

 Image result for “Only the Left is Left at College”

Anyone who has followed the college scene in the last several decades has to realize that most college campuses in our day are so far to the left they are almost over the edge. Some of the leftist sponsored programs at some college campuses are strickly exercises straight from La-La Land and I often wonder if some of the students involved realize the ramifications of this cultural Marxist drivel and how it will impact their lives, and even the lives of their children. Obviously they don’t because they continue to “wallow in the cultural Marxist garbage” thinking they are making the world a better place when all they are really doing is playing the part of useful idiots for their leftist manipulators.


  1. In order for the master plan to work, each and every domino has to fall. We have to get out in front of the collapse and I am not sure how that can be done short of cutting ALL FORMS OF GOVt. FUNDING to these traitorous organizations. Unfortunately, this cancerous growth is quite advanced. Higher education has become poisonous, a health hazard, to our National security. AMPUTATION is required in numerous sub-systems. There simply won't be enough of the original body to maintain viability.

    1. Yes and I recommend all go into the trades these days.

  2. AMEN!! We will always need Plumbers, Electricians, Welders, Mechanics, Masons, Carpet layers, Landscapers and Trash haulers. All of which are GOOD PAYING jobs because most people don't want to, or can not do this kind of work. I have ran my successful Handyman service for nearly 30 years now. I ALWAYS HAVE WORK. I have tried to train several young men to do the same jobs, teach them a skill, impose a work ethic. But, most of them don't want to work out in the hot sun or on wet/cold days. It's too hard evidently. SAD indeed.

    1. It's too hard evidently.

      Why work at all? Welfare gets you $2.5K+ every month. :(
