Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Comment on: Teacher, Student Brawl in Band Class Caught On Camera


While not being one to condone violence, w/o a MAuFig to answer to, it's not out of the realm of possibility, this may save the kids life from a hood alpha. Even as a kid, I never saw why a male would risk character assassination, let alone the potential to be labeled a pedo in prison, over some kid w/ an inferiority complex, knowing how the system can be abused (or even an outright law suit set up).
In the past, have posted the mean GPA of teaching students to be 3.8/4 scale(I assume these to be arts degrees, as they are handed out Zimbabwe/Venezuelan currency. The ivey towered 'educators', lowered the acceptable standards around 1990, to comply with Title IX. And socialist just-us epidemic has been on the rise ever since, IMO. When Lindsay Shepard simply presented a 'gender bender' public broadcast debate, attacking Dr. Jordan B. Peterson's character for resisting compelled speech regulations, she considered herself to be a on the left side of politricks. After being reprimand by her Grad studies professors, which went outside school regulations, she #walkedaway from the left and the university's Grad program. Tomorrow is seized by the prepared, and she recorded the unsanctioned meeting on her phone. Last I heard, she and Dr. Peterson, have legal grievances filed against her former school (slander and def of char). Having to finish her MA at a new school, with a hoard of femaNAZIs nipping at her heels, she choose to keep her head low.

She just graduated, and here is her opinion, which sounds more like a public consensus, on how delusional the Marxist have become. Lindsay Shepard shares her experience on the low expectations for a North American Graduate studies program in the, perverse studies of art called 'The Humanities', a modern day socialist (in) breeding ground.


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