Sunday, November 25, 2018

Petition of Dissolution

Image result for US :Petition of Dissolution

We are at a point of momentous change. You can see it in France, for heaven's sake! A gasoline tax has led to massive revolts and the use of gasoline to torch the city, not unlike tea dumped into a harbor. But, this is the culmination of some high-level meetings, the G8, G7 or G6, however many are currently in the "in" crowd. Somewhere along the line, in the EU or the UN perhaps, the notion was conveyed that the West was a dumping ground; the people too full of Starbucks coffee and ritual social media involvement that they would not mind the wholesale destruction of their culture.

To what degree that is true is debatable. I am not suggesting that suddenly there is a resistance to government control of our lives, but there do seem to be some flashpoints at which people decide enough is enough. I'm not sure where that is. It is different in each country and each province or state and even each neighborhood.

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