Thursday, February 28, 2019

Comment on Cohen Admits To Speaking with Democratic Party Bef...

Over the last fifteen years or so I have blogged and written a lot. My political writing has decreased over the last half year or so. I still write two or three short articles a day. Just to let off steam. I tried for so long to change minds with facts and common sense. Only to discover neither matter to a liberal. The entire philosophy of the left is built on the concept of Epistemological Relativism. Or in layman terms “Moral Relativism,” meaning there is no right or wrong. 

That is a very seductive concept for many. The idea they are not wrong, just different from the rest. Being a junky strung out on drugs is just as valid as the father of three that works 50-hours a week. Since there is no wrong, whatever behavior you choose is acceptable. 

I could continue with the philosophy of Epistemological Relativism but won’t. This is why liberals defend Islam even though it is opposite everything they believe. They cannot criticize Islam for killing homosexuals, because that would force them to determine Islam is bad. And in their view, nothing is good or bad. 

That was a long-winded way to reach my destination. I have slowed down political writing because there is nothing I, you, or anyone can write that matters to a liberal. It is not about facts or truth, it is about feelings. Because remember everything is relative with no absolute right or wrong. I do not see any peaceable solution. The left has no interest in truth or facts. Only feeling count, not the outcome. There is no discussion possible. This ends in conflict. I cannot see any other outcome at this point. This theater of the absurd in the House only proves my point. A convicted perjurer, with ZERO evidence is the democrat’s “Star” witness. There is no good ending.


Brock, I don’t remember if I saw this here or somewhere else. But it is one of the best explanations of liberalism I have seen.


  1. Liberty's Torch has a good piece (old video) by Bishop Fulton Sheen that speaks of false compassion. It is from 1965 and touches on every stepping stone on the road to hell. Though I am not Catholic I certainly remember the moral lectures he gave every Sunday on TV.

    1. Thanks and we weren't either (Episcopalians) but my Mother loved him. I can still see her reading his book.

  2. I do take exception with one major tenet of this gentleman's analysis and that is the whole "There is no such thing as good or bad" statement with regards to the basis for "thought" on the political left. He speaks at length about this, however there is a major glaring exception in his whole statement, and that is the fact that NONE of what was stated above would EVER be tolerated by the left if a Christian White were to espouse it.
    We are the designated evil people here in this playing-out-in-real-time psychodrama and the aforementioned Marxist left will excuse every evil perpetrated against us from now, until every last one of us has been physically removed from the face of the earth.

    1. NONE of what was stated above would EVER be tolerated by the left if a Christian White were to espouse it.
      We are the designated evil people here in this playing-out-in-real-time psychodrama and the aforementioned Marxist left will excuse every evil perpetrated against us from now, until every last one of us has been physically removed from the face of the earth.

      Fully agree.

  3. Hi Brock,
    "Funny thing you should mention that!!" For "YEARS" now I have tried to wrap my head around why "Facts, Common sense and logic" never seemed to work against "Liberalism!!!" .... Trust me, a Liberal will Proclaim (never mind argue, his, her, it's mind is made up!!) that the World is Flat, Water is dry and the Lunch is "FREE!!!" As "Badger" says," it boils down to two words,"Epistemological Relativism" ,,,,really cute... it almost sounds "Biblical" but with a twist!!

    NOW WE KNOW!! And the first step in any War is "Knowing Your Enemy!!!" Now he, she, it, and what ever other Gender they may proclaim to be are now ... UN-CLOAKED!!!

    Got GUNZ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>OUTLAW!!!!!!,
    Audentes, Fortuna, Ivat,
    skybill-standing by

    PS Buy More AMMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
