Monday, February 18, 2019

Comment on: Liberal NY Times columnist David Brooks: Democratic Party is left of Che Guevara.

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Correction here, the devil as it were is in the details. The Green New Deal would only apply to the masses. The elites would be exempt from any burdens or restrictions a "Green New Deal" would impose, and certainly justifications would be given as why different rules applied only to them.

I hope Mr. Brooks will think very long and hard about the Democratic Party is left of Che Guevara and then take it to its' logical (and historical) conclusion. As I see it, once the Democratic Party has total control of government - The Republican (the Jelly Fish) Party ceases to be, an American version of the Gulag Archipelago will be a certainty. What liberals like Mr. Brooks does not or refuses to understand is the same agency that went after his enemies (those who disagreed with his politics) will at some point turn and go after him. As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn records, innocent people were arrested and found guilty of crimes they did not commit, solely so that a monthly quote would be meet. What Mr. Brooks does not yet grasp is that it does not matter how insane AOC's Green New Deal is, it is a vision of utopia. Attempts will be made to make utopia a reality regardless of the consequences of lives lost or destruction to the environment and the economy. They, the Lefties will have usual excuses of why thing failed (e.g. "that wasn't REAL Socialism"). We are living in interesting times.


  1. Brock, do you remember the famous question of the 90s: "What Would Jesus Do?" Well evidently according to the Babylon Bee there is a lil bit of leeway when it comes to who we are commanded to love. Tongue-n-cheek and turn your cheek so to say:

    Enjoy, A forgotten Proverb: "For Blessed is he/she/it, who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused."

    1. "For Blessed is he/she/it, who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused."

      Thanks and I like that x2 !:)
