Friday, March 1, 2019

School Board Voted Against Armed Security Before Shooting, Now They’re Reversing Course

Via Billy

Armed police officer at school

Reality has a way of bringing people around. Just a month after a school board in Baltimore voted against allowing armed officers in area schools, they’ve changed their minds after seeing firsthand what happens when determined criminals strike.

At first, all ten members of the board resisted the idea of “good guys with guns” in the Maryland schools. They unanimously turned down a measure that would have supported armed police officers — not teachers or private security — to help safeguard schools.

Then tragedy struck. “Neil Davis, a 25-year-old family member of a student, came into (Frederick Douglass High School) on Feb. 8 and shot special education assistant Michael Marks, according to police. The 56-year-old longtime staffer was seriously injured but survived,” The Baltimore Sun reported.

More @ WJ


  1. bet the first thing the school board did is hire armed guards for their meetings and put up a wall around the building...

  2. The Grammy's had heavy armed security provided both by LAPD on the outside and private corporate armed security on the inside. Same is true for our politicians, pro athletes and media corporations, but many or most of them promote defenselessness for public schools and the common People. These elitists are evil because:
