Today all manner of curiosities, as I once called them, propose that whites pay reparations for slavery. For example, our Democratic presidential candidates. Well, I am joining them. Yes. I am for reparations. It is only just.
Once I lived in moral darkness, and thought reparations was crazy as Aunt Sally, that we kept in the attic because she kept trying to eat the carpet downstairs. I wondered where we got such a daft Congress. I figured saturation mutagenesis, or somebody put brain softener in the water.
I am a poor sinner, but I have reformed. Bring on reparations. I believe that everyone who has been a slave should be paid a vast sum of money, to be paid by those who enslaved him. No exceptions. I do not kid around about reparations.
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Please check out most recent on https://revisedhistory.wordpress.com about Abolitionists and Illuminists working together to promote One World Govt. posted on 3/15/19.