Wednesday, April 10, 2019

America Is No Longer A Nation

Via Tedmund Chan 

Image result for America Is No Longer A Nation

The America in which I grew up and lived my early adult life was a nation. Over the course of my life I have watched my country turn into a Tower of Babel. Homogeneity and shared values permitted us to understand one another. This doesn’t mean that there was uniformity or that things were perfect. A Baptist wasn’t a Catholic. A WASP was not a black laborer. A female was not a male. Blacks and poor whites had a hard time becoming middle class, but it could be done. It was possible for middle class people to become “well off,” but difficult to become rich. Immigration was controlled, and the reduction of inflows had helped the Irish and Italians to integrate into society.

Police were helpful and didn’t burst into homes with guns blazing or rough you up on traffic stops. On important issues, compromises could be reached and reforms implemented. English was the language. If you telephoned a service provider, utility, or bank, you quickly were connected to a real person capable of handling every aspect of whatever you were calling about. Today you wait through the Spanish language option for the robo-voice listing the options that might have something to do with the reason for your call. The companies save money and make profits by imposing their service costs on customers.


  1. A Nation has one culture. America is cursed by all sorts of
    sub cultures. America will never be a Nation again. All for

  2. One of the biggest problems we face is the endless search for the next "cult of personality". Trump is a total fraud. But the "right" has become desperate to the point of deluded madness. The man in the white house has his Republican party working day and night to pass his "Red Flag" law. A bill written by the republican party that will simply abolish the bill of rights. Not just the 2A but all of it. It just starts with secret courts issuing secret orders to confiscate firearms EX-PARTY, and in secret, and does not allow for any appeal. More illegal's are crossing the border under Trump than they did under every other president COMBINED. There is no wall. There seems to be no actual plan to build one. Just a pretend wall for the TV news. He is a war monger who has quietly begun pulling every military weapon that can be made to work out of the bone yard. He has also quietly begun plans for a universal draft. But everyone on the right is too busy worshiping the second coming of Ronald Reagan to notice. The left wing of the communist party wants civil war. The right wing of the communist party wants world war. The great fraud that has been the last two years has kept Americans in each others faces. It has also kept us blind to the most evil government in all history. I wonder how the survivors of the US death camps will remember the history from before the war?---Ray
