Monday, April 8, 2019

Thoughts On Reparations

Via Reborn via WRSA via Cold Fury

Image result for thoughts on reparations

I have some thoughts about reparations.

First…..there should be no reparations without repatriation. Reparations are a statement that we, as a society, screwed up when we brought them to be slaves, and then kept them in a land of evil white racist devils. So, a necessary precondition of reparations should be reversing that act of evil – allowing them, even paying for them, to return home to their motherland where they can live without fear of racism anymore with their African brothers and sisters.

Second….it would be cheap, regardless. The ROI on getting rid of a black parasite class would be huge – a payout within 3 to 4 years max, and that’s just the financial cost. Never mind the benefits of living in a more pleasant society.

So, here’s my plan. We promise $100,000 in reparations to every African-American citizen of the United States, under three conditions.

They must agree to emigrate to Africa, in the country of their choice.

They must renounce American citizenship and all attendant claims thereto.

They must agree to never return. Such agreement would also cover their offspring.

Here are the logistics. The $100,000 would be paid in cash, in two installments. The first installment of $25,000 would be paid upon signing the papers agreeing to the above three conditions. They would have a maximum of two weeks to get their affairs in order, sell any property, etc., and prepare to move. The $25K would assist with this. The remaining $75,000 would be paid upon their arrival in Africa, again in American dollars. This amount of money would make them fabulously wealthy in African terms, and in fact would be nearly six times the average wealth of black families in the USA. There would be no inheritability on the $75K balance payment.

I should also point out that this would be a one-time offer. If they don’t take it, fine, but welfare is over, the NAACP and other civil rights organizations are disbanded, and Jim Crow laws are once again imposed throughout the land. No more racial preferences or pandering. We would literally be buying our way out.

We would send them over, not on military transports with cells, but on fine cruise ships with lots of Cristal. And, we would let them know that, upon embarkation, they would no longer be subject to the white man’s law and oppression. In fact, the only armed personnel would be there to protect (with extreme force if necessary) the ship’s crew and personnel. Free from the white man’s rule, they could live and enjoy the trip in the peace and harmony that unsupervised blacks are known for around the world.

Now, here’s the reality of the situation. First, much of the initial $25,000 would never leave the USA – it would be spent on foolishness here. Drugs, gambling, hookers, tasteless clothes, etc. So it would be an economic stimulus here. Then, once on board the ship, you could expect orgies of rape, robbery, murder, etc. unseen in the history of humanity, as they fought each other over the cash that was left over from the $25,000 per person stipend. Again, we’re only protecting the ship and its crew. I’d estimate the cross-Atlantic survival rate at no more than 25 to 50%, as the stronger killed the weaker. And remember, every dead Negro on the trip is one that we don’t have to pay the $75,000 to, so this would be a big money savings.

There would, of course, be costs associated with cleaning the ships and preparing them for enough journeys to get millions of Africans over, but again – worth it. We could also use the return trips to transport white South Africans over here, where they would be an asset to our society.

Excellent. Damn excellent.


  1. What's the point when another future Obama would import tens of millions more diversity warriors. I myself would pay anyone who has been a slave while a fee should be charged to anyone who benefited from white culture and science.

  2. Democrats have been the political party which supported slavery. They have been the party which wrote Jim Crow laws. The Republican party was FOUNDED on the abolition of slavery. The same party who voted against Jim Crow laws.

    So Democrats should bear the burden of paying these reparations. Black and other minorities should be excused, but white Democrats ancestors are the ones responsible.

    Prove me wrong.

    1. Of course, the two parties have essentially changed positions since that time.Just think, JFK would be deemed a right wing, nationalist, conservative these days.

  3. My thoughts were also along this line of thinking; we should put $10 into the pot for every illegal alien deported. This would end this reparation talk forever while saving a ton of money that would have been spent proving for the illegals.

  4. Not "We" -- the African tribes who enslaved their own people and sold them for profit should be making out the check.

    1. Lincoln actually started sending them back, but it ain't in the history books. Of course, this article isn't fair to the many blacks who have excelled through hard work and education.

    2. Brock, shhhh! Be quiet!! The mobs will be wanting to take down the Lincoln Memorial. Nah, just kidding. The schooling system has Successfully propagandized that Lincoln is a political god. And besides, all the monuments being vandalized and removed are done because of prejudice, bigotry and ignorance. Not likely that will change. --Ron W

  5. Lincoln had a friend who owned a big ship. Lincoln and the ship
    owner contrived to take a boat load of the Africans to South
    America to work in the mines. Don't know if the Africans
    actually got to their destination or not. If only Lincoln had
    been more diligent.

    1. Yes and they were dropped off on an island.
      South America said not to bring their garbage to them.
