Monday, June 3, 2019

Mexican President Says He's Ready To Amp Up Immigration Enforcement To End Trade War


White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said Sunday that President Donald Trump is "deadly serious" about levying a 5% tariff on Mexican goods if the Mexican government doesn't step up enforcement of illegal immigration on the southern side of the border, and now it appears the Mexican government is serious about complying to avoid a trade war.


  1. Maybe AMLO is willing or maybe he's just blowing smoke at Trump.
    If I were Trump I'd keep the tariffs in place and follow through
    until I saw REAL tangible efforts and results from Mexico to stem
    the tide of invaders. Knowing how Mexico operates I suspect this
    is just hot air....they have no intentions of actually doing anything
    about the invaders.

    1. I'd keep the tariffs in place and follow through
      until I saw REAL tangible efforts and results from Mexico

      & keep tightening.
