Saturday, June 29, 2019

New Jersey school lets Muslims interrupt classes to “convert students” to Islam

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What are the chances they will give equal time to the Hebrew Talmud or the Catholics' Baltimore Catechism ?


Like being black, or a woman, or being gay, Muslims enjoy "special privileges" not available to others.

There used to be "double standards," but now we have quadruple or even quintuple standards.  Throw in gay' and it becomes "Sex"tuple standards.  So much for the notion of individual equality promised in the Constitution and embodied in the 14th Amendment to it. We are entering a new era in the USA where ethnic traits and identity politics are evolving to create new winners and new losers into a created melange of inequalities and revised injustice .  We've gone backwards - we already have the 1960's in the reversed rear-view mirror, heading toward the 1910's.  In this societal flux, you are now a winner or loser based on characteristics over which you often have no control.  Which are you?

As for me, I want it all, so I have decided that I no longer want to be a straight white male - I've decided, from this day forward, I'm a disabled, gay, black woman who speaks Spanish and adheres to the Quran - so I can reap all the benefits that powerful combination of "identities" confers.

So it's time for me to put on my wig, apply my 'bronzer,' find a nice dress, hop into my wheel chair (with the rainbow flag) and start reading the Quran as someone pushes me to the nearest KFC.

Have a REAL nice day......



  1. They couldn't convert me for nothing, even if they blew scopolamine
    in my face. But these students are impressionable and gullible,
    eager to please. That's where intelligent parents come in, to
    reverse the indoctrination. The fed gov allowed all these beastly
    cultures in our country, we now have culture wars.
    Be aware of your surroundings; be aware of the schools.

    1. For sure. I looked up scopolamine, but don't underhand why you said that, unless my info is off.

    2. Brock, did you get this the first time around:

  2. And we all ignore or make a post when we should be calling the Sheriff or putting on our own badges. Why did the Bush/Clinton cartels think we needed harmed so bad? I never did anything to them for this madness. Citizen.

    1. They don't care, only interested in having power over us us peons.
