Sunday, July 28, 2019

Confederate Monuments and Racism?


As noted in earlier posts, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and many academic historians are promoting a false narrative that the Confederate statues erected between 1900 and 1920 were celebrations of white supremacy. In reality, the statues were built because the old veterans were dying-off, which is why there was also a simultaneous surge in Civil War memorial-building in the North.

Nonetheless, academics are on a mission to “prove” their point by finding examples of statue inscriptions or dedication speeches that celebrate the Anglo-Saxon race or affirm white supremacy. Yet Anglo-Saxon pride and white privilege was common throughout all of America during that era. Consider, for example, the widespread obsession with defeating black heavyweight boxing champion Jack Johnson.


  1. Rockledge

    What is truly ironic about all this crybaby shit is that the intellectually and emotionally ill equipped of society who are doing all the whining and crying seem to be doing all they can to prove that Caucasians really are intellectually and emotionally supreme.

    Ignorance is its' own reward, and changing what is written about history in order to pamper those less intellectually blessed by doing so doesn't actually change history.
    And doesn't change the traits people are genetically blessed with.

    If any group of people in any society want to prove themselves, the right way to do it is to act in a manner that rejects stereotypes, not that perpetuates them.

  2. "If any group of people in any society want to prove themselves, the right way to do it is to act in a manner that rejects stereotypes, not that perpetuates them." --Rockledge

    Well-said! Definitely a quotable quote! --Ron W
