Saturday, July 6, 2019

Is the US on the path of Balkanization?

Via Tedmund Chan 

 Is the US on the path of Balkanization?

We are meant to swallow the lie that says “diversity is our strength” without question, and without any consideration for merit, performance, ability, intelligence or actual results.
The dire prediction is one that is easy to see coming: An eventual economic failure is the lit match, while the total lack of national cultural identity is the gasoline. The media, academic and governmental apparatchiks stand by to stoke the fires.

Many people, the opinions of whom I greatly respect, have written on the state of politics and society in the US in such a way as to suggest the possibility of the US moving into a period of similar to what was seen in the former Republic of Yugoslavia from the mid 1980’s through to the late 1990’s, referred to by many as Balkanization. I’m certainly in agreement with these bloggers and writers, Matt Bracken being just one example.

The political, sociological, religious, ethnic and racial trajectory in the US is eerily similar to that of the former Yugoslavia in many ways. In the coming years, this will only worsen as we import millions and millions more migrants from third world sectors, nearly all of whom share absolutely nothing in common with the average American, if there is such a thing as an average American anymore.


  1. nah, not quite as bad as the balkans. two, maybe three independent confederations. there will be the i-95 corridor, kali/west oregon/west washington/nevada, and then the rest of the former u.s...chicago and a few other islands of chaos may become city-states but being landlocked will make them of little consequence. if you break off these liberal bastions the remainder is remarkably conservative by nature. that said, they'll never let it happen b/c they know deep down they can't live without us.

    1. , they'll never let it happen b/c they know deep down they can't live without us.

      As was the case in '61.
