Monday, August 5, 2019

El Paso Shooter Father: Bryan Crusius Tied to John of God

Via Reborn


Background Info: The father of the 21-year-old man arrested for the El Paso shooting massacre was a drug addict for almost 40 years and is now an energy healer who claims to have had visions of Jesus Christ and his dead grandmother, revealed. (Interesting Video Below)
Bryan Crusius, 63, revealed in a 2014 memoir details of the broken home his son grew up in, confessing to decades of drug and alcohol abuse that led to the breakup of both his first marriage and his 18-year relationship with the alleged shooter’s mother. The 2,300 word screed, attributed to the author P.Crucius on one website, speaks of a perceived ‘Hispanic invasion of Texas’; a detailed plan to segregate ethnic minorities into separate territories of the country; and expresses a belief that white people will soon be ‘ethnically replaced.’

His father’s book at least suggest that lengthy and rambling postings are in the family. Crusius Sr, who now works as a licensed therapist and ‘energy and sound medicine practitioner’ in Allen, Texas.


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