Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sharia shaming, Online attacks since releasing "End Liberal Molestation"....

Via Cousin Dale

 It's been a few weeks now since releasing the last article on my blog "End Liberal Molestation". I have been tracking the online censorship of advocates for several years now and knew that the article would be pulled quite quickly if posted publicly all the time. So, I started the Facebook page Dvpadvocacy (as it was what I used in trial) and repeatedly posted the article there.

Of course the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission was notified of the article's release. They were told to expect referrals from myself, and that they'd likely increase after the article. I have no use for the filth Liberal Nazi-ism that some exceptionally bigoted and delusional people want us to choke down.

I'm an advocate for knives and guns, that's no surprise and not new. I'd anticipated an online social media attack within weeks of the Dvpadvocacy page.....I mean, how dare a person hold an opinion and voice it! Not in this Liberal atmosphere....

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