Dated thanks to taminator013
Monday, September 30, 2019
'No obligation': Joe Biden opposed helping South Vietnamese refugees reach U.S. in 1970s
Via Niki Tran

Democratic presidential front-runner Joseph R. Biden, who has denounced President Trump’s efforts against Central American asylum-seekers, vigorously opposed resettling as refugees South Vietnamese who had helped the U.S. during the war.
The Washington Examiner reported Thursday, citing records from the administration of President Gerald R. Ford, that as a U.S. senator, Mr. Biden tried to deny refuge to hundreds of thousands fleeing the imminent North Vietnamese victory and likely Communist persecution.
Mr. Biden’s arguments about refugees reverse what he and other Democrats now insist are the only moral stances, saying that the U.S. had “no obligation, moral or otherwise, to evacuate foreign nationals,” the Examiner reported.
More @ The Washington Times
Ex-NYPD Commissioner Calls Whistleblower 'Covert Operative,' Alleges 'Attempted Coup'
Former New York City Police Department Commissioner Bernard Kerik on Monday said that the Trump administration whistleblower was a “covert operative” engaged in an “attempted coup” against the president.
The whistleblower came to national attention after filing an official complaint about President Donald Trump’s now-infamous phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in which Trump asked his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate Hunter Biden, the son of former vice president and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
More @ WJ
Letter From Australian Official Emerges That Casts Doubt On Report From New York Times
Via Billy
A letter emerged late on Monday from the Australian government that directly disputed the accuracy of a New York Times report that claimed that President Donald Trump “pushed” Australia to help Attorney General William Barr investigate the origins of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation in an attempt to “discredit” the investigation in what The Times claimed was an example of Trump “using high-level diplomacy to advance his personal political interests.”
The letter, reported by Nine News Australia’s Kerrie Yaxley, is dated May 28, 2019, from Australian Ambassador Joe Hockey to Barr, and states:

A letter emerged late on Monday from the Australian government that directly disputed the accuracy of a New York Times report that claimed that President Donald Trump “pushed” Australia to help Attorney General William Barr investigate the origins of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation in an attempt to “discredit” the investigation in what The Times claimed was an example of Trump “using high-level diplomacy to advance his personal political interests.”
The letter, reported by Nine News Australia’s Kerrie Yaxley, is dated May 28, 2019, from Australian Ambassador Joe Hockey to Barr, and states:
More @ The Daily Wire
Schweizer: Joe Biden ‘Was Steering Billions of Dollars of Western Money to Ukraine’ for Access, Influence
Via Billy
Breitbart News senior contributor and Secret Empires author Peter Schweizer joined Life, Liberty & Levin Sunday on Fox News Channel to explain Joe and Hunter Biden’s Ukraine connections.
Schweizer told host Mark Levin that the former vice president’s son was being paid by Ukraine despite not having expertise in the energy sector while Joe Biden was the “point-person” on former President Barack Obama’s administration in dealing with Ukraine.
More @ Breitbart
Some Thoughts on Climate Hysteria
Via David
Do I believe Nadler believes this? F*ck no, not for an attosecond (from what I’ve read he’s going to be primaried by someone even farther Left and is obviously trying to outflank that potential rival). Nor does Obama with his new beach house. Nor do DiCaprio or any of the others. Al Gore is laughing his ass off as he flogs his bishop over his bank balance, as are most of the Warmist scientists on the lucrative lecture circuit. They’re virtue signaling at best, and Machiavellian-power-grabbing at worst. After all, the mask is off – as I’ve noted in many of my linkfests, the Warmists now openly call for a complete remaking of the economy and a shift to “enlightened” Philosopher-King rule and worldwide Socialism.
More @ The Red Pill Jew
Imagine for a moment that you believed, truly
believed, that mankind’s CO2 emissions were going to doom the planet in a
decade or so. Not warm things up a bit… I
mean doom all higher life, if not the entire biosphere.
Do I believe Nadler believes this? F*ck no, not for an attosecond (from what I’ve read he’s going to be primaried by someone even farther Left and is obviously trying to outflank that potential rival). Nor does Obama with his new beach house. Nor do DiCaprio or any of the others. Al Gore is laughing his ass off as he flogs his bishop over his bank balance, as are most of the Warmist scientists on the lucrative lecture circuit. They’re virtue signaling at best, and Machiavellian-power-grabbing at worst. After all, the mask is off – as I’ve noted in many of my linkfests, the Warmists now openly call for a complete remaking of the economy and a shift to “enlightened” Philosopher-King rule and worldwide Socialism.
More @ The Red Pill Jew
More Antifa Trash: Little Stalinists in Action
Via David
What a disgrace, I have no words...
'Protesters at @MaximeBernier's Event at Mohawk College'
cc: @RubinReport @DMillardHaskell @FPVaughanIII
'Protesters at @MaximeBernier's Event at Mohawk College'
cc: @RubinReport @DMillardHaskell @FPVaughanIII
Video @ The Daily Gator
Freedom of the Press with Robinson Self-Teaching Home School Curriculum

printing is so central to the Robinson Curriculum it is important to
know your printing options. Here we will get in to the details of how to
print a book without having to worry about the text disappearing into
the binding.
The right printer makes printing fast and super inexpensive per page for the ink. Our recommended Epson
prints black and white pages for just 1/5 a penny per page or $.60 for a
300 page book! Paper is probably cheapest locally but you can get it online as well.
For full size 8.5" x 11" pages, using a
simple 3 hole punch and a 3 ring binder makes putting together a book
super easy. Just buy a heavy duty 3 hole punch and some binders and away you go.
More @ Robinson Homeschool
L.A. Paid $1.3 Billion In Taxpayer Money To Illegal Aliens Via Welfare
Via Billy
No wonder Los Angeles can’t handle its homeless problem.
Los Angeles County paid nearly $1.3 billion in welfare money during 2015 and 2016 to families of illegal aliens. That number amounts to one-quarter of the total spent on the county’s entire needy population, according to Fox News.

No wonder Los Angeles can’t handle its homeless problem.
Los Angeles County paid nearly $1.3 billion in welfare money during 2015 and 2016 to families of illegal aliens. That number amounts to one-quarter of the total spent on the county’s entire needy population, according to Fox News.
More @ The Daily Wire
Whistleblower Complaint Form & Reddit Quarantines Conservative Views

In The Federalist, Sean Davis reports that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to conveniently eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing. The new version of the form, which was not made public until after the complaint about President Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was made public, “allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence” and only heard about alleged wrongdoing from others.
One of the most important online communities of Trump supporters is effectively being destroyed, conservative social media star Carpe Donktum writes in Human Events. What was once a vibrant digital meeting place on Reddit, known as “The_Donald,” is being “quarantined” by the site’s administrators. “Reddit’s strategy is transparent. It has established a template that other social media companies can model to effectively silence conservatives. This strategy slowly turns down the volume on conservative users and platforms instead of banning them outright. By breaking their censorship into varied opaque components, it becomes more difficult to pinpoint, challenging to prove, and nearly impossible to oppose.”
Advertisement Biden campaign officials demand TV networks stop booking 'dedicated liar' Rudy Giuliani to 'spread false, debunked conspiracy theories for Donald Trump'

Aides to former vice president slammed Giuliani as a 'dedicated liar' whose 'only obligation is to protect Donald Trump'
Giuliani has made numerous television appearances to discuss his role in the ongoing Ukraine scandal
During his interviews, the former New York mayor has made a number of unsubstantiated allegations accusing Biden of corruption
On Sunday, Giuliani told CBS News that then-Vice President Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son's gas company
But a former Ukrainian prosecutor said there is no evidence that Biden acted improperly
More @ Daily Mail
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Graham: Whistleblower Complaint ‘A Political Setup’— ‘Salem Witch Trials Have More Due Process Than This’
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) declared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that the Salem witch trials had “more due process” than the so-called whistleblower’s complaint against President Donald Trump.
Partial transcript as follows:
BRENNAN: Big week here, but I want to begin where Nancy Pelosi just left off. She lays out what she says is most problematic the sequencing.
GRAHAM: Right.
BRENNAN: The president in this call record says–
GRAHAM: Right.
BRENNAN: –“Would you do us a favor?” He brings up debunked myth about the DNC server and then he brings up the Biden family and the need for an investigation. He repeatedly lays that out. And also the aid package is mentioned.
GRAHAM: Right.
BRENNAN: You have no problem with any of this?
GRAHAM: I have zero problems with this phone call–
More @ Breitbart
Pollak: Democrats Are Meddling in the 2020 Election
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) made a colossal mistake this week by agreeing to an impeachment inquiry before she had seen the transcript of President Donald Trump’s conversation with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine.
It was a strategic mistake, because the evidence contradicted her claims. But it was also a terrible mistake for the country, because it cast the fairness of the 2020 presidential election into serious doubt.
More @ Breitbart
Never-Trump Chris Wallace Blows a Gasket After Stephen Miller Tells Him: “A Partisan Hit Job Does Not Make You a Whistleblower” (VIDEO)
President Trump political advisor Stephen Miller joined Chris Wallace on FOX News Sunday earlier today.
Chris Wallace cannot even hide his bias against this administration.
FOX News Sunday is truly unwatchable these days with this toxic Trump-hater as its host.
During the discussion Stephen Miller corrected Wallace on the alleged whistleblower.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
A Few Quick Thoughts in Response to A Heavy Heart

We are truly on our own. No IG or AG or President Trump will do Squat.
I’d like to be more optimistic but we can’t keep fooling ourselves.
It’s going to take Blood, Sweat and Tears to take our country back and you best get your minds wrapped around that.
The Civil War is here, we just aren’t participating in it. Evil is winning, because we do nothing.
Yes keep preparing. But I urge you to start making plans to take this battle to them that they so desperately seem to be seeking.
--Wes Rhinier
Understanding Faulkner

Of that generation, Andrew Lytle observed, it “was the last moment of equilibrium . . . the last time a man could know who he was. Or where he was from. It was the last time a man, without having to think, could say what was right and what was wrong.”
When I think of the state of literary criticism in the academy today, I think of a New Yorker cartoon someone has put up in the liberal arts coffee lounge at Clemson. It shows a fool, in cap and bells, juggling before the king. The caption reads: “In France they consider him a creative genius.”
Underneath someone has written: “Does this refer to Jerry Lewis or Derrida?” For the uninitiated, Jacques Derrida is the French critic who founded deconstruction, an arcane methodology that regards written texts as primarily self-referential wordplay. Whatever may be said for the metaphysics of this approach, it, along with structuralism and other recent forays into “critical theory,” is frequently more difficult to understand than the creative works it is meant to explicate. Glossolalia may or may not have its place in religion; in literary exegesis it is deadly.
How different things were when the Southern “new critics” were running the show.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Rep. Adam Schiff Linked to Prominent Ukrainian Arms Dealer
Via Billy
Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff is connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer. Is this why he’s willing to lie in front of the nation when accusing President Trump of crimes?
Adam Schiff is arguably the biggest liar in Congress…. ever. He now leads the House Intelligence Committee and this past week oversaw the Intel Committee where he attempted to align President Trump with some ‘trumped’ up allegations concerning his phone call with the President of the Ukraine. Schiff lied in his opening remarks and claimed numerous falsehoods about the President’s call in spite of the transcript being provided the day before.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
Democrats Reveal the Real Purpose of the Impeachment Investigation
Via Billy
The Democrats know that there is no impeachable offense. What they intend to do is to use the investigation to look into every aspect of Trump’s life and try to make dirt out of things unrelated to his talk with the Ukrainian president. This “impeachment investigation” is a political act to help their candidate win the next presidential election.
Democrats themselves describe it in this way. For example, here is how Rob Kall, the director of one of the progressive Democrat websites, described the purpose of the investigation:

The Democrats know that there is no impeachable offense. What they intend to do is to use the investigation to look into every aspect of Trump’s life and try to make dirt out of things unrelated to his talk with the Ukrainian president. This “impeachment investigation” is a political act to help their candidate win the next presidential election.
Democrats themselves describe it in this way. For example, here is how Rob Kall, the director of one of the progressive Democrat websites, described the purpose of the investigation:
More @ LRC
Rudy Giuliani: President Trump Would Violate Constitution If He Did Not Pursue Evidence from Foreign Leaders on Biden’s Serious Criminal Conduct
Trump attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Judge Jeanine Pirro on Saturday night on Justice with Judge Jeanine.
Rudy and Judge Jeanine discussed the latest impeachment charges announced by Democrats this week against President Donald Trump for his conversation with the Ukrainian President in July.
Rudy and Judge Jeanine discussed the latest impeachment charges announced by Democrats this week against President Donald Trump for his conversation with the Ukrainian President in July.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Dems Vote To Enhance Med Care for Illegals Now, Vote Down Vets Waiting 10 Years for Same Service
House Democrats voted Thursday to fast-track an electronic medical records system that would serve illegal immigrants, something America’s veterans have been seeking for years.
The House passed the bill on a largely party line vote of 230-184, American Military News reported.
Only two Republican congressmen supported the bill — Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and Fred Upton of Michigan.
The proposal has yet to be considered by the Republican-controlled Senate.
More @ WJ
Intel Community Uploaded Altered Whistleblower Form 2 Days Before Complaint Released to Public
If you were to file a whistleblower report with the intelligence community inspector general, up until Sept. 24, the conduct you were blowing the whistle on officially had to be witnessed firsthand.
The “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form — the channel by which one reported such things — specifically stated that any kind of second-hand information about alleged wrongdoing wouldn’t do.
This appears to have changed at 4:25 p.m. on Sept. 24, when a new form was uploaded to the Director of National Intelligence’s website.
On the new form, individuals who “heard about [wrongdoing] from others” can also report it.
More @ WJ
Why the left’s belief in a Swedish ‘utopia’ is based on a lie
Via Eddie Raffs
When Elisabeth Asbrink invites you to visit her in Stockholm, Sweden, be sure to wear your very best socks.
“I hate it when people walk into my home in their shoes. In that way I am extremely Swedish,” she said. “We find it very, very rude.”
Removing your shoes before entering a home is a universal norm in Sweden, Asbrink says — but not a lesson her immigrant parents, born in Budapest and London, ever taught her.
“When they went to the homes of colleagues and friends they would dress up, then had to have dinner in their socks. Which they found very strange,” Asbrink recalled. “They believed that it was an old tradition, from when Sweden was a peasant country full of earth and mud.”

When Elisabeth Asbrink invites you to visit her in Stockholm, Sweden, be sure to wear your very best socks.
“I hate it when people walk into my home in their shoes. In that way I am extremely Swedish,” she said. “We find it very, very rude.”
Removing your shoes before entering a home is a universal norm in Sweden, Asbrink says — but not a lesson her immigrant parents, born in Budapest and London, ever taught her.
“When they went to the homes of colleagues and friends they would dress up, then had to have dinner in their socks. Which they found very strange,” Asbrink recalled. “They believed that it was an old tradition, from when Sweden was a peasant country full of earth and mud.”
More @ New York Post
Zeb & Sam on Liberty
Zebulon Vance, governor of NC, stood up for civil rights in 1862 when he learned that forty North Carolina citizens had been taken from their homes and put into a military prison on suspicion of disloyalty. He wrote to President Jefferson Davis:
“As Governor, it is my duty to see that the citizens of this State are protected in whatever rights pertain to them, and, if necessary, I will call out the State Militia to protect them and uphold the principles of Anglo-Saxon liberty – trial by jury; liberty of speech; freedom of the press; the privileges of Parliament habeas corpus; the right to petition and bear arms; subordination of the military to civil authority; prohibition of ex post facto laws.”
Sam J. Ervin, Jr., . . . stood up for the rule of law and Bill of Rights in his dealings with President Richard M. Nixon and his aides in 1973-74. In a speech to the student body of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1973, Ervin said: “So long as I have a mind to think, a tongue to speak, and a heart to love my country, I shall deny that the Constitution confers any arbitrary power on any President, or empowers any President to convert George Washington’s America into Caesar’s Rome.”
( Seeking Liberty and Justice, A History of the NC Bar Association, 1899-1999, J. Edwin Hendricks, NC Bar Association, excerpt pg. 115)
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