Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Few Quick Thoughts in Response to A Heavy Heart


If you believe for one minute that perp walks are coming from this IG Report, I’ve got some Oceanfront property in Arizona I’ll sell you cheap. No one of importance will ever be arrested nor imprisoned and it’s foolish to think otherwise. These are dreams that are keeping us from taking action against this evil that faces us.

We are truly on our own. No IG or AG or President Trump will do Squat.

I’d like to be more optimistic but we can’t keep fooling ourselves.

It’s going to take Blood, Sweat and Tears to take our country back and you best get your minds wrapped around that.

The Civil War is here, we just aren’t participating in it. Evil is winning, because we do nothing.
Yes keep preparing. But I urge you to start making plans to take this battle to them that they so desperately seem to be seeking.

--Wes Rhinier


    Hi, Brock. Open up Katie Hopkins twitter address regarding
    this topic. Might have to be fast as it tends to disappear.
    Watching the video, I thought this was a horror flic but
    apparently not. Egads.The death of Londoners without their guns.
    What a horrible site.

    1. Are there no patriotic politicians left? Stupid question,I know. Thanks.

  2. As Nathan Bedord Forrest stated, "“War means fighting, and fighting means killing.” Get your head rapped around that.

    1. He certainly did. Enlisted as a private and ended up the best tactician of the War according to RE Lee, a man he had never met.

    2. My favorite quote by Nathan Bedford Forrest and one "domestic enemies" are really working on now:

      "Any government which fears arms in the hands of its people, should Aldo fear the rope."

      --Ron W

    3. A lot of good ones. You may have read this before but it is worthwhile:

  3. I think I used the wrong 'wrapped'. Forget the other 'wrapped'.

  4. He is correct. The system is broken....corrupt beyond repair. NOBODY of consequence will EVER be held accountable under the law as thing now exist. The left is OPENLY engaging in asymmetric warfare against freedom and the normal American. Unless those they are seeking to destroy wake up and fight.....PHYSICALLY FIGHT.....they win, we lose
    and freedom dies....probably forever.
