Friday, September 27, 2019

How did the Marxists gain control of the Reconstruction narrative?

While Adolf Hitler’s heinous crimes were designed to exterminate an entire people, their culture, heritage and history, in the case of the South, Abraham Lincoln’s aim was to eradicate a nation, with the erasure of its history and heritage, as well as the near destruction of the entire South, its people and its culture taking place as an aftermath during the twelve years of Union occupation
A book condemning the left-wing bias of one of the most widely read and educationally used histories of the United States was recently written by Mary Grabar who received her Ph.D in English from the University of Georgia and went on to teach at various Georgia institutes of higher learning, including Emory University in Atlanta. The focus of her book, Debunking Howard Zinn : Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America, is Zinn’s 1980 work, A People’s History of the United States, as well as the Zinn Education Project which was founded in 2007 to promote and disseminate Zinn’s book as a standard text in elementary and high schools, as well as various colleges and universities, throughout America. The book by Zinn, a self-styled anarchist and socialist with a more than four hundred page F. B. I. dossier marked “high security risk,” is primarily a polemic against social injustice and the supposed oppression of all minority groups in the Americas by white majorities since the time of Christopher Columbus. In spite of the fact that the text has already sold well over two and a half million copies and remains high on a number of best-seller lists, a recent poll by George Mason University in Virginia placed Zinn’s work as the second least credible history book in print.

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