Thursday, October 24, 2019

Up In Smoke: The Neocon Assault on Syria Is Finally Over

Via Average Joe

 Image result for Up In Smoke: The Neocon Assault on Syria Is Finally Over

By a vote of 354-60 last week the U.S. House of Representative proved that Imperial Washington is addicted to war, and that the level of ignorance, bellicosity and mendacity among the people’s representative has reach appalling heights.

Having never voted for Washington’s pointless, illegal and destructive fomenting of Syria’s calamitous civil war in the first place, as the constitution requires, the bipartisan congressional mob actually had the gall to vote to keep US forces in the middle of a centuries old Kurd/Turk conflict that has zero implications – and we mean as in none, nichts and nada – for the security and safety of the American homeland.

More @ LRC


  1. Gotsta keep them big military black budget $,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$.00 rollin rollin, to keep the deep state from fallin, fallin. HILL-AH -REEE!

  2. There will be more of this crap exposed in the days to come. No bout adout it, this is the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Afghanistan, Iran, Korea, Vietnam, Ukraine, Romania, Uranium One, Pizza Gate...
