Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Do Socialists and Environmentalists Really Want?

Via John

This article could really be wrapped up in three sentences.  The socialist Democrats of America want to control your money, your land, your home, your power, your water, your food, your education and your health care.  They want to control what you do, where you live, where you work, what you drive and what you wear.  They even want to control your news and your entertainment.  They have almost succeeded on all fronts.

These aren’t new revelations.  You have all heard them say it, on the campaign trail and in the recent debates.  It gets worse every year as they troll for votes offering free “stuff” to a dumbed down electorate.


  1. Hi Brock,
    Remember when, Ronny said,"Mr. Gorby-Choff Tear Down This Wall!!!" and he did.... (Sigh) For a while I/we could breathe a sigh of relief...
    "Short lived and now worse!!!"
    Sometimes I wish for the simple times of "MAD" and the "COLD WAR!!!" As I "SEEM????" to remember they were better times????

    Thankyou Jesus for turning the water to "WHISKEY!!!!"

