Thursday, November 21, 2019

Female Student Breaks Down In Tears As School Board Grants Boys Access To Girls Locker Room. This Is Simply Evil.


The school board of District 211 in Illinois voted last week, in a 5 – 2 decision, to allow biological males into the female locker room at Palatine High School. The board said that all students should be “treated and supported in a manner consistent with their gender identity.” This “support” apparently necessitates obliterating the privacy and safety of every girl at the school.


  1. They are very lucky I am not a dad there of a daughter and even a son, they would not like it when I am angry...

  2. Went to the Gastroenterologist today and had to fill out reams of questionnaires. One question (Which gender are you) had 4 options:

    o-Other, please describe
    o-Prefer not to answer

    Yes, "SIGH" it's come to that!

    1. I guess the Asheville people are invading.

    2. Henderson County here also. Hope everyone has read about the corruption in Buncombe county. Former county manager in the pen with her pals.

    3. Hope everyone has read about the corruption in Buncombe county. Former county manager in the pen with her pals.

      No I haven't but lets send some more there. :)

  3. And now EVERY girl in that school and ALL surrounding schools will not attend any class or event which would necessitate them to use the locker room. Any reprisal from the school AGAINST ANY STUDENT FOR THIS should be worn as a BADGE OF HONOR by these students, with full support of the community.

    Meanwhile the parents will take the matter to the Supreme Court. Yes parents, that means you. Stop complaining and fight back with vigor!

    1. The police would be called to arrest a boy in the girl locker room in previous time.

  4. I would think there would be a huge number of parents confronting this school board in person and demanding that decency and order be restored from this insane debauchery!
    --Ron W

  5. The amazing thing is parents putting up with it.

    Why are they not boiling the tar and plucking chickens?

    Y'all have a nice day.

  6. LOL...I didn't say a rope.

    Y'all have nice day.
