Thursday, December 19, 2019

FBI Swamp Creatures Claim Anyone Criticizing the Bureau Is a Threat to the “Rule of Law”

 Image: You have NO IDEA what’s coming: Virginia Dems to unleash martial law attack on 2A counties using roadblocks to confiscate firearms and spark a shooting war

This is why Trump must drain the swamp


If you needed any more evidence that “the swamp” (a.k.a. the “deep state”) President Donald Trump is battling and attempting to drain is a institutional force dating back decades, look no further.

William Webster, a former CIA and FBI director, claimed in an op-ed published on Monday that the bureau is not a “broken institution” and that anyone who criticizes it threatens the “rule of law.” 

Yes, seriously. 

More @ LRC


  1. Mr. Webster permit me, as a "Deplorable" here in fly-over land to school you. First point is that YOU have it all ass backwards. ANY government agency that holds to criticize said agency is a threat to the "rule of law" has become the real and actual threat to the Rule of Law, by holding itself above the rule of law and refusing to be held accountable for actions performed in its' name. Remember ALL work for any agency works for the people not the other way around. Those people also include those very same "Deplorables" you and other inside the Belt-Way types hold in such contempt.

    Secondly, we the people still have the Right (granted to us by our Creator) to "peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". You do remember the Constitution and the Bill of RIGHTS? Rights not privileges. It is NOT for you decide what is our own best interest. You and others may not how we the people vote into office; tough shit. Donald Trump was elected in part because he said the politically incorrect thing we say when we are with those with whom we can speak our mind to. He also publicly stated what we knew, and suspected to be true: Washington DC is a corrupt and evil swamp of self-serving out of control special interests. Mordor on the Potomac. We have seen how for decades certain politicians have literally gotten away with murder, lied under oath, lied on national TV to the American public, and have become millionaires via overt lawlessness without any consequences for their actions. We have seen YOUR agencies protect those who are criminals.

    You (and all the elites on both coasts) don not have a clue as to how pissed off many average Americans are. We are very angry at YOUR abuse of power, the theft and squandering of OUR tax dollars and your arrogance and open disdain of the common man. You have lost the hearts and minds of the public. We no longer trust you or believe any thing you tell us. We do know bullshit when we hear it, sir. To say that the Bureau is not a "broken institution" is pure bullshit.

    "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable" John F. Kennedy

    1. Thanks.

  2. "order protects liberty...", said Webster.

    When I read that, immediately I thought of those who fought the rulers in DEFENSE of liberty! Once again, that day draws nigh.


  3. ALL government agents operate UNDER DELEGATED POWERS. The greater ALWAYS delegates to the lesser. Government, its officials and agents have NO rights, only enumerated powers delegated down to them by State and Athens U.S. Constitutions. Anything they do apart or beyond these powers are unconstitutional, illegal and very especially, any violations and infringements of the Bill of Rights. --Ron W
