Saturday, December 21, 2019

GRNC Alert: Wake County Denies the Public Use of a Public Range

Brock Townsend

9:42 PM (14 minutes ago)

to gerald.baker, Sig.Hutchinson, Matt.Calabria, Jessica.Holmes, Susan.Evans, james.west, Greg.Ford, Vickie.Adamson

Dear Sheriff Baker and Wake County Commissioners :

I am writing to express my outrage over the fact that the public is to be denied the use of Wake County’s public shooting range. Sheriff Baker’s rash decision is unacceptable, and I’m terribly disappointed to see that the county commissioners are not pushing back in any effective way. It is also suspect that the Sheriff decided to take this action during the height of the Christmas season, when most citizens are distracted with holiday activities. 

The citizenry must be allowed access their own facility, which was originally chartered for public use. I’m demanding that this be rectified as soon as possible, and that a full explanation of how this happened in the first place be provided. 

I will be monitoring your actions on this important matter through alerts from Grass Roots North Carolina. 


Greg Ford

9:50 PM (5 minutes ago)

to me
Good evening,

Friday afternoon, Wake County Manager David Ellis notified Sheriff Gerald Baker that the County will revert control of operations of the Wake County firing range and training center back to the County. In the memo, Manager Ellis assured Sheriff Baker that County staff will work closely with the Sheriff’s Office to ensure a smooth transition for the County-owned building. Officers will continue to have access to the training facility in the interim for skills development. 

Since the Sheriff dismissed the vendor with the contract to operate the center for the public, Wake County staff and the Board of Commissioners will review options for reinstating public access as soon as possible. The Board will review these option at an upcoming meeting early in the new year, once details are available. 

The firearms facility and training center was built with taxpayer dollars by Wake County Government for its use by law-abiding gun owners and law enforcement professionals. It is a community asset and Wake County commissioners and staff will work to ensure that the facility is again made available for the community’s use as soon as possible.

“Wake County to take control of shooting range from Sheriff’s Office”

Greg Ford, Chairman
Wake County Board of Commissioners


  1. The Sheriff's actions are surprising as he is suppose to be one of
    us. But, not surprised as the Sheriff in Buncombe Cnty's job is
    to protect the criminal element. Sheriff Bobby Medford of Buncombe Cnty was one of the best and in-tune with the people.
    Another Sheriff bites the dust and goes to the other side.

  2. Vickie Adamson

    8:53 AM (4 hours ago)

    to me

    Good Morning,

    Just wanted to let you know that as of midday yesterday we, the County, have taken control of the Range. At this point we are working on next steps.

    We will discuss the next steps at our next Work Session on Monday January 13 at 2pm in room 2800 at The Wake County Justice Center 300 South Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27601. This meeting will be live streamed at:

    The video of the Work Session will also be archived on our web site.

    Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts. I hope you have a great Holiday.

    Vickie Adamson

    Vice-Chair County Commission

    Wake County Government

    301 S. McDowell St

    Suite 4800

    Raleigh, NC 27602

  3. Hmm, it seems that the facility is closed to the public at least the first of the year it should be closed to the Sheriffs Department to at least the same time frame. Since when is the Sheriff deemed to confiscate a public building and facility at his whim?

    1. The county has taken it back fortunately and seems to have been decided quickly.

    2. The Sheriffs department should lose access to the facility indefinitely. Or at the very least until the senior management can pass a civics exam which covers the Constitution, the Bill of Rights as well as a multiple choice exam covering property rights eg "Your neighbor has a lawn mower. Are you, as a Law Enforcement Officer, lawfully allowed to seize the lawn mower to ensure the grass at the station is mowed? In this example you have access to the National Guard"

      Some of the questions will be instant fails and loss of employment if answered wrong

    3. Some of the questions will be instant fails and loss of employment if answered wrong

      That should work! :)
