Wednesday, January 29, 2020

HISTORIC: Arab States Welcome Trump’s Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan

Via Billy

Perhaps the sole silver lining of the otherwise-harrowing capitulation to fundamentalist jihadist evil that was President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal was the fact that the leading Sunni Arab states — Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Egypt chief among them — began to warm up to the Jewish state of Israel. The enemy of my enemy, as the venerable maxim goes, is indeed my friend. And these Sunni stalwarts have found common cause with Israel in opposing the Islamic Republic of Iran’s decades-long hegemonic ambitions, which were only augmented by the capitulatory cash influxes provided by the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.


  1. Yes and no.

    Do I hope that this truly represents a phase change in Arab (i.e., Muslim) views of Israel and Jews? Of course I do.

    Do I believe it? Not really. Taqiyya (deception) is strong with these people whose holy book states that Jews are the worst of peoples. IMHO this is an attempt to focus on Iran (Shiite) and lull Israel to sleep.

  2. Is this the "Seven year Treaty?" The one that will only last for 3.5 years?

    1. 3.5 years? I doubt the Palestinians will accept it but I will be more than happy to be wrong...First time for everyone!:)
