Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Insane PC: Return War Horse Statue to its Place of Honor

Via Anita L. Henderson


"On September 17, 1997, the Virginia Historical Society unveiled The War Horse, a memorial to the 1.5 million horses and mules that died in the Civil War. Designed by Tessa Pullan of Rutland, England, and given by Paul Mellon, the statue stands in front of the historical society's building on the Boulevard in Richmond, Virginia".

Sadly, this is no longer true, as this spectacularly beautiful, bitter sweet, and well-lit horse has been moved to the parking lot as an after-thought.  He has been caught in the cross-fires of yet more human drama.  While it is good and  high time the nation is addressing the wounds of the Civil War and Racism: this horse, though a monument to civil war horses, is truly a monument to all the beasts of burden that die doing the human race's ugly work of war. 



  1. I swear we are inundated by a snowflake majority that just can't find its way to the real world of the past much less the future. They are forever quivering and shanking over the present world and unable to function.

    1. They are forever quivering and shanking over the present world and unable to function.

      Just amazing.
