Sunday, January 5, 2020

Potter's Raid and the Pippen Place

Via Cousin Colby (Repost)



  1. How is it going with your Carolina Dog, Fox Trench?

    1. :) Thanks and Susan the lady who takes care of him daily, says he hasn't progressed much and he keeps looking at my window where I sit at my computer. :( [I'm in Mexico as this is the second year in a row I haven't felt up to the long flight to Vietnam. ):]

    2. I knew you were not going to Vietnam this year but did
      not know you were presently in Mexico. No place like
      home, North Carolina. Sounds like Fox Trench has become
      attached to you. Thanks for the info.

    3. Thanks but he's still not bonded. :( Maybe by the end of the summer and NC is hard to beat except for the winter.:)
