Friday, January 17, 2020

Virginia State Senator Warns: I want you to be aware of how we are being set up

Via Billy

Sadly, I am posting this, knowing that the Governor of Virginia has declared a State of Emergency in our state.

I want you to be aware of how we are being set up.
Does the Patriot Act ring a bell?

Does the National Defense Authorization Act ring a bell?


  1. We have a national defense authorisation act every year. It's full of fine print saying where all the money goes.

    But I agree the whole event looks like a setup.

  2. "Peaceful Protest" failed a very long time ago. Like right after Ruby Ridge and Waco. It is LONG past the time to drag the left into the street and KILL THEM ALL. I am sick of the manufactured fear and failure that is the "freedom movement". It is long past the time to water the tree of Liberty. Before it dies, from the inaction of fools and cowards. The protest is a set up? SO WHAT. Use the rage and burn the state house to the ground and kill everyone connected with the Government. Use the "Patriot Act" and "NDAA" as tinder. This IS the test. If we won't fight now. We never will, and our liberty's, given us by the Almighty, are GONE forever. LET'S ROLL!!!---Ray
