Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Confederate Monuments were built to Guard the Precious Dust of the Martyred Dead


Today there is a frenzied effort to tear down memorials to the Confederate dead. If you think “frenzied” is too strong a word, take a look at video of the crowds in Durham and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, who resembled (ironically) a lynch mob as they threw ropes around a metal soldier and dragged it to the ground, all the while kicking and shouting profanities at the fallen memorial, and taking pictures with their trophy. It’s as fine an example of mob mentality as you will find and does not paint those who committed the act of vandalism in a flattering light. Such lawless and vulgar behavior suggests that they do not have the moral high ground they claim to occupy.


  1. I'm a New England Yankee with roots on my father's side back to Plymouth Rock.

    I stand to preserve the monuments.

    1. Thanks and you might enjoy this:

      Conf. Mem. Day-05, 10, 1911 (My Grandfather & Mother)
      To hear real Confederates give the Rebel Yell was a bloodcurdling sound. Richard Bales group's rendering of this is like a lullaby in comparison. To hear our own valiant, brave soldiers made us want to pick up a gun and kill the first Yankee in sight.

    2. Present company excepted, I hope.

  2. All those boomers and "greatest" generation people dumping their cash into monuments for themselves, need to take note on what happens to those when the wind shifts. Even in places like Virginia that had a law to preserve them. Laws are just ink on paper. Easily replaced by different ink.

