Sunday, February 2, 2020

Gun owners warned: 'Be sure you're registered to vote'

Via Billy

'The Constitution is not for sale, no matter how much money some wealthy demagogue is willing to spend'

A citizens Second Amendment group is urging gun owners to register to vote so they can help thwart a nationwide effort by Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg to back state-legislature candidates who support gun control.
"This is a call to action, for every gun owner in the country to get engaged," said Alan Gottlieb, the chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

More @ WND


  1. 10-4!!!
    I'm Registered, I vote!!
    GOT GUNZ.........OUTLAW!!!,
    To paraphrase he Cheshire Cat,
    "We're all Outlaws Now.....You Know!!!!"


    1. Take it to the limit! :)
