Friday, March 13, 2020

Illinois Mayor Signs EO Allowing Her to Ban Guns…to Combat Wuhan Coronavirus?

 Illinois Mayor Signs EO Allowing Her to Ban Combat Wuhan Coronavirus?

Apparently having no shame when it comes to politicizing a crisis isn’t just reserved for House Democrats. The local ones are at it as well.

The mayor of Champaign, Illinois has signed an EO which she claims grants her extraordinary power to curtail the rights of ordinary citizens. And while the banning of guns and ammunition are the eye catcher, it goes far beyond that.

Katie Pavlich over at Townhall has the report.

More @ Red State


  1. What the heck does guns and ammo have to do with the coronavirus
    unless the situation gets out of control and the people have
    to defend their turf.
    Rahm Emanuel "Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste"

    1. What the heck does guns and ammo have to do with the coronavirus

      To control us measly citizens.
