Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?



  1. Communists are what NAZI's want to be when they grow up.

  2. Thank you sir. Hope you're holding up.

    My wife - who is a social butterfly and very gregarious - is about to fly out of her skin. Meanwhile, while I like socializing, I don't HAVE to, so I'm fine.

  3. Holocaust reports are greatly exaggerated.

  4. The National-Socialists of course never called themselves "Nazi." It seems, however, to have been a matter of journalistic consensus in the anti-German world always to say "Nazi" and never National-Socialist. This gov, US, sent money in the support of the
    communist Bolsheviks. Makes no sense; totally the opposite of
    what we've been led to believe.

    1. Absolutely as we certain can't mention socialist relating to Nazis.

    2. Good point, reborn. I recently read a book where WW-II German POWs were segregated into 2 separate groups in American POW camps after the government labeled them all NAZIs and over 45% protested they were just German soldiers not NAZIs

    3. & there were none in their air force as joining political parties had been prohibited for them for many moons.
