Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Grant a Better General Than Lee? No.


A review of Grant and Lee: Victorious American and Vanquished Virginian (Regnery History, 2012) by Edward Bonekemper, III.

I don’t think a person of sound mind and impartial understanding of the so-called Civil War could get past the second paragraph of the introduction of Edward H. Bonekemper III’s book Grant and Lee: Victorious American and Vanquished Virginian without realizing that next 400 or so pages were going to be an exercise in intellectual endurance.

“Because Southerners were more greatly affected by the war and had a need to rationalize its origins and results, Southern-oriented historians dominated Civil War historiography for the first centery after the war. They created the ‘Myth of the Lost Cause’ and designed Lee as the god of this mini-religion.”

Good Lord.


  1. More nonsensical historical revisionism. Any rational discussion/debate over the War Between the States is now nearly impossible
