Wednesday, May 13, 2020

CCP Virus


The effects of the orchestrated responses to the CoVid 19 false flag attack are disastrous in themselves, economically, socially, politically, and directly impact individuals on the personal level.  Once, the King's insanity bothered none of the folks out in the country.  Eggs were gathered, fish caught, fires lit and water drawn.

This created crisis deliberately impoverishes the nation, the people, and a civilization.  It is as though we have lost a war. Think Germany 1945, or better, South Carolina 1865.  The Germans had American aid to help them get through their trials. Dixie had nothing.  There was no 'Marshall Plan' for Dixie.  There were only Yankee carpetbaggers and bayonets. Those who could, abandoned their homeland and walked West . . . 'Gone to Texas' read the placards.  But we have no Texasto flee to, today.

Among the purposes of this created crisis was, to bring about a revolution.  To undo the freedoms and rights hard won by our forefathers.  To lessen our numbers - we are too many for the perpetrators' comfort;  we are too uppity for our betters to tolerate.  They seek to re-establish their 'Golden Epoch' of Lords and serfs.  They live the grand life, we chop firewood and till their gardens, tend their flowers.  Good, humble, quiet, respectful retainers.  They envision a world without hordes of loud,
rude, crude, NFL/NASCAR/NRA people.  England 1840.  The Gentry did just fine back then.  You will think I'm mad. What else does Greta Thurnberg promote?  What else do the Greens dream of?  Who are they?  The same players who brought you this 'existential crisis'.

They crave revolution to restore their vision of paradise.  A clean, quiet, Masterpiece Theater world . . . with them in the big Country House and us in the cottages - or the grave.  They don't need all of us, remember?  And now arises that damned old History again.  Hop in to Dr Who's phone booth and travel back with me for a bit.  There was a thing called the 'Evictions' when the Scots Highlanders were forced out of their homes and properties by the King's soldiers.  In Ireland, they killed, starved, enslaved, or 'transported' the people out of their homes and properties.  Scotsmen and Irish were shipped to far places, Australia, America, Africa, India as soldiers, workers, servants, and indeed sold as slaves.  A maiden could leave her family home on an errand, and be 'taken up' for transport to provide mothers for new colonies.  Disappeared, no notice.

In the old Soviet Union, the same thing happened in my lifetime and for most of it, in fact.  A car or truck would pull up to a bus stop, men would grab some people and throw them in the vehicle and they were gone.  That was it.  Period.  Maybe a project in Siberia needed some electricians.  Woe unto you Boris, you're off to the wilds.  The White Sea Canal . . . dug by hand, the entire way by people just like you.

China needs a dam?  Collect a few hundred thousand peasants and give them each a basket. Put them to hauling rocks to pile up and create the foundation for your dam.  The foundation goes where another hundred thousand dug dirt with shovels and those same baskets, to make a place.  Then another few hundred thousand tote the baskets with concrete to cement the whole bloody thing together.  No noisy, smelly heavy equipment required.

And the Africans . . . guess who had all these colonies where those damned Irish were dying like flies from malaria and fever. Guess who was immune from those diseases?  How many millions were transported to work their plantations in Brazil, the West Indies,  the Caribbean, and indeed America.

So it ain't like none of this ever happened before.



  1. "So it ain't like none of this ever happened before."
    Brock Townsend
    "Those who don’t read history are condemned to repeat it."
    George Santayana
    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"
    Albert Einstein
