Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Greatest Danger Of The Obama Plot.

feds buy 30000 guillotines | ... Told Patriot Groups That Obamas ...

As much as we would all like to see it and as guilty as Obama may be for either instigating or approving this treason against the Republic he will never be arrested. One of the reasons Barr and Durham are taking as long as they have up to this point is that they know they must construct an absolutely air tight case against him. One that leaves him absolutely no wiggle room to make any deflections to his underlings or to claim he knew noting of their plots Against Trump and the incoming administration. When they have that case constructed someone will go to Obama and present him with it and give him the option to "escape" into exile and obscurity.

The danger being that if the DOJ does place him under arrest, per walks him and presents even irrefutable evidence for all the world to see, the communist left will use it as an excuse to quite literally burn American cities to the ground and create so much havoc and destruction that it will both ignite a civil war at home and give the Chinese Communists an all but free hand to take Taiwan, ignite a new war in Korea and do good only knows what else in the western Pacific.

Do not ever underestimate the evil that burns within these people and their desire to destroy not just the United States but human freedom itself. Both sides know the left holds this card and it would be a great mistake to think they are not willing to play it.

FOR THE LEFT ORWELL'S 1984 IS NOT A WARNING BUT RATER AN INSTRUCTION MANUAL! "What is the future Winston? Imagine a boot stomping on a human face, FOREVER."


  1. Judge and jury on spot . Problem solved.

  2. Bah, Obama sent way too much American tax money to Israel to be a Nazi.

  3. Which cities would burn? The leftist enclaves? Ok, good.

    They would not have carte blanche to move through the country to sow their destruction. There would be a great resistance, greater than they could withstand. They would capitulate sooner than later. It would not be a protracted battle. Although I am aware that all throughout time anyone who has said such things - EX: we'll be home before Christmas - has been proven wrong.

    So why do I say such a thing which has time and again been proven foolish? Simply because the American already harbors a seething animosity against them bent on the destruction of our country. Americans are giving folk. They are patient and forgiving. But make no mistake, there is a hard line to not cross. Already, the left has toed that line again and again. It is now to the point that one more strike will lit off that charge and we will explode to unleash that savage will to utterly put down those others.

    Oh yes, people have wrote of the 'others'. And we have seen what they have written turns out. I think they are missing quite a number of significant factors.

    As for other countries exploiting the opportunity of war in this country, I think it will be to invade and why not since we already have porous borders and such diversity in the population that it will be difficult to tell who is who and what is their intent. 'Shoot first, ask questions later' will become the mantra.

    As for other countries expanding their overseas territory, well maybe it's time we stay home and let the other countries grow a pair. Find your own fortitude. And the lesson will be chiseled in stone; the world really does need America.


    1. one more strike will lit off that charge and we will explode to unleash that savage will to utterly put down those others.

      It's close.

      'Shoot first, ask questions later' will become the mantra.


      it's time we stay home and let the other countries grow a pair.


  4. I'm not saying you're wrong. What I am saying is there are elements on the left that don't care. They would simply see use the necessary reaction to an artificially created black violence as an excuse to scream "fascism" all the louder. They want violence. They thrive on it as a means to an end.

  5.  "...give the Chinese Communists an all but free hand to take Taiwan, ignite a new war in Korea and do good only knows what else in the western Pacific..."

    Um... no. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are more than a match for the Chinese. They don't need our help. The NORKS are a paper tiger and haven't been a serious threat in decades. SOUTH Korea is a major trade partner with China responsible for BILLIONS on profits for the new Chinese mandarins. There is no possibility they would ruin that.


    1. & the Chinese didn't fare well against Vietnam in 1979. The only people that South Vietnamese hate more that their Communists is China's Communists.
