Sunday, June 14, 2020

200 armed Kentuckians Protected the Confederate monument in Brandenberg from BLM

Via Survivormann99" Until a couple of years ago, a monument to Confederate war dead stood in a large traffic island adjacent to the University of Louisville campus for 120 years. My old fraternity house was located on the adjacent street known at that time as Confederate Place. Due to some complaints to the effete, limp wrist, Democratic (sorry, repeating myself) mayor, the statue was ordered removed.The small town of Brandenburg, Kentucky, came to the rescue, so the monument didn't sit abandoned in some city storage yard until it "got lost." The monument was moved there at Brandenburg's expense and was re-erected on a spot on the Ohio River. Black Lives Matter remembered the statue. Yesterday, it made it known that they were coming after the statue. What they found when they got to Brandenburg were approximately 200 armed Kentuckians lined up to protect the monument. BLM decided that attacking that monument wasn't worth opening that particular can of whoop-ass, so it turned tail and left."


  1. Finally! Keep the terrorists on the run until they leave
    the country.

  2. Monument Avenue IS America. If I had a Gatling gun, I let er'
    rip. These misfits are nothing and can create nothing. The
    misfits will probably sneak back to continue their Bolshevik
    schemes. Why don't they go to the Frankfurt School and draw
    some hideous pics. Jared Taylor's visit to Richmond:

    1. You sure ruined my night.......Evidently we are a country of no laws. Infuriating.

  3. What the BLM and other proto-humans do not know and cannot learn. Is that there is still a huge silent group, who were never disarmed and will never peacefully disarm. They talk, not riot. One day very soon, So quickly that the left will be taken totally by surprise. The shooting will just START. Nothing anyone will do or say will make it stop until every brown face has left the continent or been buried under it. The sell out whites? Rope and tree, and little hope for those who fell in love with treason. For all the youngsters and federals reading this. IT IS TIME. Mr. Townsend and I won't live to see the end. Cancer and age will do for us. I can only pray that the Almighty allows me to go down fighting in my child's place, and saves her the lifetime pain of combat. I really think 2020 is it Brock. The war starts from this one.---Ray

    1. I can only pray that the Almighty allows me to go down fighting in my child's place, and saves her the lifetime pain of combat.

      Prescient as always, Sir. Thanks.

    2. I'm probably younger than you, but realistically I don't expect to see a natural death. Somehow, even in my youth, I've known that.

      I just pray it's me only, and that my children are safe.
