Wednesday, June 10, 2020

If Trump loses, then what?

Via 4Branch via Gentry71
TOP 25 QUOTES BY JOHN ADAMS (of 406) | A-Z Quotes

We do a fast descend into Venezuela, then Cuba, and China as the UN steps in to perform the coup de grace.  They will temporarily install the Obamas  as stand ins for a Castro, et al.  Normal Caucasians will be SOL.  There will be an open season on them in pretty short order.  The mind control psyop against white folks has infected most of the poor dumb simps who have spent too much time in front of a boob tube and too many years in the indoctrination boot camps called the education system, ran by communists since WWII, and on steroids since the first consolidated school system was installed circa 1956 or 58, can't remember any more, in Kentucky, quickly followed by Indiana, etc.

The destruction of the black family by actors like LBJ removed the dad from the family and the destruction of the black schools was the death knell for a stable black family life.  Promotion of multiculturalism is a tool for white genocide.  Go to military base cities and look at who is with whom.  It looks like a bar scene from a sci-fi movie, dogs sleeping with cats, snakes with sheep, tattoos from the top of their head to the bottom of their feet, metal sticking out of places you really don't want to think about.  It has been decades since I have even fleetingly spotted intelligent life on any level.

The founding fathers were correct, the Republic would be lucky to last 25 years.  We could put volumes together with all of our experiences, but no one would read, care, or dare to become enlightened, much less want to change.  These people are happy to be ignorant.  People like George Soros has kept them in enough money and stuff to go along with the joke.  It will take a complete destruction of 99% of the population to have any hopes of the future.  The good Lord may well walk this planet at some point and just start over with a  new canvass.  Most of us have had some hard times, but have been pretty lucky at the same time.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.  Don't sweat the small stuff, and it is ALL small stuff.  Food, lead and barter items are a good idea, right after good filtered water.  Friends if you are lucky enough.


  1. Don't forget meds for people and livestock, or medicinal herbs
    Will be horrible without them
    My dad, born 1911, in the back end of Appalachia told of no roads, little food, no medicine or doctors.
    Once told me that had there been a doctor there was nothing to pay hm with

    1. Don't forget meds for people and livestock

      & some of the animal meds can be used by people. Thanks.
