Friday, June 5, 2020

NC: ACE Speedway postpones race after Gov. Cooper cracks down on mass gatherings in email to Sheriff Johnson

Gov. Roy Cooper’s office sent a letter to Alamance County Sheriff Terry Johnson Friday encouraging him to enforce his executive order at ACE Speedway.

According to the rules of phase 2 of reopening North Carolina, outside gatherings should include no more than 25 people and social distancing should be practiced. On opening night at the speedway, hundreds of people were allowed entry and not many seemed to be wearing masks nor socially distant.

In the letter, William McKinney, counsel to the governor’s office said, “ACE Speedway has continuously and flagrantly violated the plain and unambiguous language of the phase 2 order.”

More @ WFMY


  1. What!!!!! This sin't a "race", it's protest to honor Floyd, right?

    Seriously, it is my understanding that the governors "ececutive orders" only appply to government and is not law. That being the case I hope they get legal advice and sue the bastard who seems to believe he is now a royal governmor. Not to mention the braying jackass did NOTHING about the protests and little about the riots.

    In the end private propety is private and is should not be affected by "executive orders."

    If there is a gofund me page for their legal fees I'd be happy to donate.

    Y'all have a nice day.

    1. In the end private propety is private and is should not be affected by "executive orders."



    Y'all have a nice day.

  3. The Commie Governor's "Jack-boot" is evident on this day that saw thousands die on the Normandy beaches 76 years ago fighting for freedom.

  4. A Vet who went to Normandy to pay his respects said it was the
    loneliest he had ever seen it d/t lock downs. He said it was
    deserted. What about lock-downs for the filthy rioters?

    Brock, how did today's PATCON go?

    1. This is getting out of hand and Im not going to put up with anyone who chooses to say 'delete me if you don't agree' so I have just deleted two 'relatives, who evidently think they are the Lord God Almighty.

      The PATCON went very well even though we had few attendees, but we picked up a delightful couple and the'chat' with Peter White from Atlanta was informative. Thanks.
