Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Will Removing Confederate Symbols Promote Social Peace? Of Course Not.

 Confederate Major General Patrick Cleburne, KIA November 30, 1864, Franklin, TN, Irish born
 "Well, Govan, if we must die, let us die like men."General Patrick R. Cleburne

Will removing Confederate flags, monuments, and names promote social peace or racial healing? It is more likely to cause increased social strife, bitterness, and economic, and political turmoil. If there is going to be any healing, it must be based on the truth rather than ignorant and slanderous narratives of Civil War history. But the truth has been largely suppressed, and that has led to a situation where even conservatives on Fox News and popular radio shows repeat false Civil War narratives that are not helpful to public understanding or healing. Truth is the only sound basis for unity, hence we need to shatter some of the historical myths of the Civil War and slavery. The Left is making a full-court press to divide us and destroy our country with false narratives. Let us brace ourselves with the truth. 

How long would a peace based on suppression of a people’s cherished heritage last?  How long would a peace built upon suppressing the memory, valor, and virtue of the revered forebears of a great number of the Southern people last?  What could possibly be a surer cause of immense strife, bitterness, and economic and political turmoil?  Does anyone outside of a madhouse believe that peace and prosperity can be achieved by discarding the heritage of a numerous people to gain the political favor of another?  It is more likely to shatter all hope of peace.  Can a society set itself against tolerance and mutual respect and have peace? No fair-minded person can accept such corrupt reasoning.


  1. Of course not.

    A Leftist intellectual named Noam Chomsky told us, "Intentions can be inferred from predictable outcomes." He's a (((Red-Diaper Baby))) from way, way back, but when he's right, he's right.

    What happens when you appease and reward misbehaving children instead of correcting their behavior? Does it, perhaps, encourage more of the same bad behavior? Does the removal of consequences, perhaps, have a mysterious tendency to embolden them to escalate their bad behavior and their demands? Of course it does, and that's what they want.

    1. Does the removal of consequences, perhaps, have a mysterious tendency to embolden them to escalate their bad behavior and their demands? Of course it does, and that's what they want.

      For any sane mind.

    2. Chomskey's Jewish. A disgrace.

      I'm Jewish too. And if you read my blog there's no doubt that I'm a staunch Conservative.

      Has nothing to do with Judaism per se - as Orthodox Jews support Trump overwhelmingly. It's the Plopping Jews that are the problem, and I wish they'd stop calling themselves Jews - because what they're practicing has nothing to do with following the Torah.

  2. It's moved beyond removing Confederate symbols. The are desecrating all monuments and symbols of our countries greatness. Nothing is nothing is sacred. You don't have to look far or hard to see who is promoting this.

    God Bless America, Long live the Republic, Deus Vult

    1. You don't have to look far or hard to see who is promoting this.

      I consider this treason.

  3. Oh Brock,
    I am ired!! I am tired of all the bull s#!t!! I am just tired!!
    Perhaps it is time that these geeks come after me!!
    There will be a fusalade and a fire storm but in the end...
    I will be dead.. unless I think like "Charlie Kintard!!!"
    Yes That is my response!!!!
    PS Remember Charlie??

  4. Removing Confederate statues will only encourage the bullies to demand more. They're already making noises about burning antebellum plantation houses. The only way to defeat bullies is to use overwhelming force and not trying to compromise out of political correctness pressure. I guess we Conservatives haven't learned a thing from the Vietnam experience. However, the Progressives did in spades.

    1. Exactly.

      And they're openly going after the Founding Fathers too.

    2. I guess we Conservatives haven't learned a thing from the Vietnam experience. However, the Progressives did in spades.

      & they told us, but we didn't listen. (Going into the Halls of Ivy)

  5. When are they planning to demolish Ft. Sumter? Or Newport, Rhode Island where all the wealth slave traders built their summer homes?

    1. Hush child, they don't like inconvenient facts..........:) !

  6. I remember a Rodney Dangerfield quip - from memory. "Prostitution is the greatest sales job of all. You got it, you sell it... and you still got it."

    Same here. No matter how much money gets transferred to minorities (specifically, blacks), no matter how much pandering and set-asides and all that there will be both privately and by government, white people will still be white people, and guilty.

    We could give each black person $1 million, tax free, and it would not be enough.

    1. We could give each black person $1 million, tax free, and it would not be enough.


    2. On average, over the course of their lifetimes, we're already giving each African-in-America a net wealth transfer of over $700,000. Mexicans-in-America are already netting $250,000 each over the course of a lifetime--money the government takes from us at the point of a bayonet and gives to them.

      It will never be enough to appease them, not as long as one White man still lives.

    3. It will never be enough to appease them, not as long as one White man still lives.


  7. I'm all for removing the statue of liberty,melt it down & make pennies out of it. It no longer means anything.
