Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Daily New COVID Deaths

Via John

.......the "media" is only focused on new cases, and never mentions the steep declines in deaths which, despite all the increase in cases, are now only at 10% of the highest levels in April. THAT IS A NINETY PERCENT DECLINE.

Have you seen that on the 'news?'

Someday, hopefully soon, Americans WILL DEMAND an honest press/media. Our newsrooms are largely filled with ideological Bernie Madoffs operating a journalistic Ponzi scheme that hasn't yet crashed.

We cannot survive as an integrated society until honesty returns to America's newsrooms.

Now we can all see that the current fear mongering by the leftmedia is an amped-up political ploy used to damage Donald Trump's reelection chances relying upon lies and lots of gullible people ready, even anxious, to believe those lies."

Source:  https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/

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